Wednesday, 25 January 2012

A quick heads up

The posts that me and Tony have put up will be dead. Mediafire have removed all of our files due to an upcoming FBI inspection. We'll try and continue in some sort of fashion. Can't really say what it'll be at the minute though. Looks like we're going to be reduced to ripping cd-rs for each other again.



Tony Maim said...

Yours may still be there - as far as I know it is not a blanket removal - just accounts.

Czar Nicholas said...

If people are reduced to burnt CDrs and bandcamp/soundcloud links, maybe that will have a notable impact on the quality of music being produced today? One can hope, right?

Anyway, I plan to continue writing, although I can't speak for the rest of the dudes on my blahg.

If this is the end, thanks for all the killer jams.

ZoSo))) said...

The ones from my account have gone too

ZoSo))) said...

I can only hope that your enthusiasm prevails Nick. It was a good time when we were making mix tapes for each other. I guess we've had it easy for a few years...